
Q: How many characters from Fringe does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: 4. One to recognize that the light bulb was manufactured by Massive Dynamic, (and is thus evil); one to remember where he hid the replacement bulb in the brick wall of a basement where he used to ingest large quantities of LSD during his post-graduate years; one to storm various houses in the greater Boston area, removing light-bulbs that were about to spawn genetically altered trans-dimensional electricity monsters; and another to stand by with a very serious, highly classified look on his face and facilitate the changing of the light bulb (perhaps through unofficial channels). 05:52, 3 June 2009 (UTC)Schecky

Dr. Walter Bishop is a very interesting character. The Albert Einstien meets Dr. Vicktor Frankenstein. The Walternate in the parallel universe is more political, and is deceptive, not very kind, and authorative based on my views and observations. Perhaps his son Peter being taken to the parallel universe and be saved by another Dr. Walter Bishop whose brain has problems remembering things and Walternate does not, has driven Walternate to start a war between universe 1 and universe 2 (the alternates of Universe 1 like Walternate and Bolivia) seem not to be as nice or have the same personality or emotional attachments as the Universe 1 counterparts. What happened in Universe 2? My theory is that the Universe 2 was divived via Universe 1 due to the Observers appearing throughout time and history and helping others to make Universe 1 kinder and able to fix the holes in the multiverse or do other things besides observe, but only when someone might die or change history. Bpaanglaang 06:18, September 28, 2010 (UTC)


If Walter was never ambered he would be 90 years old (2036-1946). If you subtract the 20 years he was in amber and didn't age he would be 70 not 64. --Revan's Exile (talk) (contribs) 01:33, October 28, 2012 (UTC)
