Clearance Level in this wiki specifies the clearance level of each individual character. The clearance level assigned to a character states the amount of information regarding The Pattern the character is privy to.
Level 1: No Knowledge[]
Majority of characters in this level have no knowledge of The Pattern or its existence. Many characters in the series fall under this category.
Level 2: Know of[]
Majority of characters in this level have knowledge that The Pattern exists but have no knowledge of what it is or its meaning.
Level 3: Basic Understanding[]
Majority of characters in this level have basic understanding of what the Pattern is but are not privy to information on all pattern related incidents and people. Many of the characters in this clearance level attempt through their actions to gain a better understanding of the pattern.
Level 4: Understanding[]
Majority of characters in this level understand what the pattern is. They do not have knowledge of why the pattern exists, who or whom is organizing the pattern, or full knowledge of incidents related to the Pattern. Many of the characters in this clearance level attempt through their actions to gain a better understanding of the pattern.
Level 5: Complete Understanding[]
Majority of Characters in this level have full understanding of The Pattern